Anita Killough has bought
and shares of Fender Bender Industries over the years. The earlier
purchases were at higher share prices than the later ones. So in 2007
when she sold some of them she instructed her broker that she was
selling shares from a lot purchased in 2004. Since she already had considerable loss carry-forwards, she designated that they be sold, so
that the resulting in a profit would be offset by the carryover (not
shown). This is accomplished in SkedDee by assigning different IDs:
B 600 fi
"Fender Industries" 6/12/03 30000
B 300 fi1
"Fender Industries" 7/6/04 9000
S 200 fi
"Fender Industries" 3/2/06 9000
S 300 fi1
"Fender Industries" 6/1/07 13500
This forces SkedDee to
match the 6/1/07 sale against the 7/06/04 buy. If the 6/1/07 sale had
been for 200 shares, the 7/6/04 trade would have been broken into two:
B 600 fi
"Fender Industries" 6/12/03 30000
B 200 fi1
"Fender Industries" 7/6/04 6000
B 100 fi
"Fender Industries" 7/6/04 3000
S 200 fi
"Fender Industries" 3/2/06 9000
S 200 fi1
"Fender Industries" 6/1/07 13500
Although the descriptions
are the same, as far as SkedDee is concerned it’s dealing with different
securities because the IDs are different. |